
Milly has now been rehomed !!

progress update: 28th Nov 09

Milly has become an absolute little treasure.

She and my other dog Jack, have become really good friends.  He was a wimp before hand, but has found the guts to stand up to her, and now looks out for her!!   He is quite the good dad!!  We wanted a dog as a companion for him too, and it has worked out really well.  They play “tuggy” together, which is Jack’s favourite game.  He still wins!!  She can still be annoying – but he handles her brilliantly.

Milly is just such a bright cookie, and has learnt so much.  She is no longer crated, and managed teething and not destroying my house! (which HAS happened with a previous dog I rescued!!).  She is also a shadow – she follows you absolutely everywhere- and gets right under your feet.  But although she loves to be around me and my husband, she also loves to be around Jack too.  Fab.  Best result ever.

Her only fault is that she would still rather pee indoors than out on a rainy day!!   Oh yeh,  and also when it’s dark – although she usually wakes us up and asks for an escort!! (despite there being dog flaps, and so she could do it on her own, and does so perfectly well in the daylight!!)

She still has not come in to season.  But that should be imminent.  So expect to have her spayed early in the New Year, when I will send you the necessary paperwork.

Just looked at your website and would love to adopt them all.   But know that Milly needs to grow up a bit, before we can take on another unknown.  But I am thinking about it again in a year or two.

Thanks once again to you and all your foster parents for caring for these animals.  You all do a wonderful job.


progress update: 6th Sep 09

She is brill.

She is cuddly, so intelligent and obedient when it suits her!

She can “sit”, “paw” and sometimes “come” when she chooses. She
understands “no” but doesn’t always obey. “leave” other animals alone,
is a little tricky!!

She does a kind of “fetch”, but doesn’t always bring back

She can do her business outside, but sometimes the journey seems too
far to bother, or it could be wet!!

She is much better at greeting humans without nipping, but she still
needs more dogs to put her in her place, as mine is such a wimp!!

Nextdoor’s dog is much better at telling her to behave.

She went out for her first walk today, as her jabs are now all in
place, and she loved it, after the first 2 minutes, which were very

All in all, I think she’s an absolute star!!

Hoping to start obedience classes soon.

Really hope the other 2 pups get homed soon.


Milly has now been rehomed !!

progress update: 17th Aug 09

Dear Helen,
This time some photos too – the lad in the photo is my son. My daughter is
coming home at the weekend just to see Milly too!
Milly is just adorable. Really starting to find her feet now! Vet has
checked her all over, and she is fine. She has had her first jabs, and on
the way back from vet, fell asleep in the cat basket! She gets second jabs
in 2 weeks along with her microchip – but she has a dog tag on in the
meantime. She is slowly getting used to the collar.
Our vets like to spay after her first season, just so you know.
Milly is starting to learn “sit” – just ‘cos she’s so brilliantly clever!
Not sure she is really relating the command to the act yet – but she is a
really clever little thing. Only one poo indoors – all the rest have been
outside. Urinating is coming along well too – most are outside. She has got
up in the night and used the training pads!! How impressive!
She loves all the toys. She fetches, loves balls, rings, chew toys and will
rip cuddly toys to shreds (just like Jack does). At the moment, she is not
strong enough to “destuff” her cuddly toy, but when she is, that will have
to disappear!. She has just found the skirting board is possibly chewable,
so I suspect we may be very glad we are crate training her.
Jack is unsure whether to put her in her place or just give in to her
completely – but I suspect she will be the dominant one. Tigger is coping
really well with her, but she does have to be told to leave him alone
All in all she had made amazingly quick adjustments and is very impressive
and so very cuddly!
Hope you like the photos.