Nadder Valley Fun Dog Show, Wiltshire

The event is being run in the field next to The Compasses Inn,
in Chicksgrove, Nr Tisbury, Wiltshire.
Gates open at 12:30pm and the first fun dog class starts at 1pm. The day will conclude at 5pm.
As well as the dog show the day also includes two flying displays (weather permitting).
The esteemed Great War Display Team,
will be doing a recreation of a WW1 dog fight in replica planes of the
era in the skies above us.
Other attractions include a BBQ run by The
Compasses Inn, Tea & Cakes, various stalls, and a raffle.

All the money raised from class entries and fun events is going to the
Blue Cross.

Fun Day Dog Show Fundraiser

Last year we all had a great day at our annual fundraising Fun Dog Show.
The weather was perfect, not too hot and remained dry all day.

We raised £2031.09 for the rescue, which was more than any of us expected
and as the funds were down to the last £110.00 in the bank and the bills were mounting up our prayers answered.

Once again Nigel, Pat, Kate, Mark and Anne held the dog show at their farm and rallied on the day to ensure it was a success: helping with the setting up, running the stalls, judging in the rings and helping to clear up at the end of the day.

Thank you!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone else who also helped on the day.

We couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you to evryone who helped and brought their dogs for the displays.

The Friendly Dog Club very kindly came again and put on a fantastic display.
The Hampshire Harriers Flyball Team ran a fun agility ring for us.

Thanks also to the Newfoundland Water
Rescue and Canine Agility Centre

who did a heelwork to music display

Thanks also to Elaine of

Shaggy Dog Photos

for these images!

Our next show is on Sunday the 7th of September at

Amberwood Farm, Fairlight Lane, Tiptoe, Hants
Starting at 11.00 am until 4.00 pm.

Anyone wishing to have a stall or for more info please contact Helen on 01202 380467 or
Kate on 07990614091.

Later in the year we will have programme of the classes and displays on the website.