
Stop press!

Walter has already found a new home with Roger and Veronique who have rescued a DAWGdog in the past!

progress update from Jane: 25th May 09

Hi Helen

A couple of pictures of Walter for the web site.
After his long journey yesterday, Walter slept like a log last night.
In fact I had to nudge him to wake him up this morning!
Walter is absolutely gorgeous, very sweet natured but desperate for some TLC.
He is so thin and very stiff but perhaps when he has a bit of fat on him that will ease.
He seems a little hard of hearing but does come to you with body language and
food! I think he will enjoy the BBQ tonight!!
Have had the usual “can we keep him” from Jem!
Speak soon, Jane ox

Walter came from a farmer who had decided he was no longer of use to them.
He is seven years old and has a lovely gentle nature.
He is thin and is on extra rations to bring him up to weight.

He is fostering with the Ferguson Family and Ozzie their dog.

If you think that you may be able to provide

a good home

please contact Helen

on 01202 380467

or email

for more details!

We will usually only rehome within approx 30miles of the Bournemouth/Poole area
in order that we can ensure the continued well-being of the dogs in our care.
We will sometimes re-home further afield to this but only if the homes are exceptional.
We are NOT looking for just ANY home that is offered.
All potential homes will be assessed to try and ensure the best possible home to cater for the differing needs of each individual dog that we look after.