Jackson now has added wrinkly bits


Hello again. In the interests of giving you all more information about Jackson so that I can get the end of my bed back that he can find a good home, I’ll let you all know ( since it isn’t on here already as Helen was trying to keep it a secret so that she could keep him herself “didn’t think it was important to mention it” ) that Jackson is a shar pei cross.
I must admit I didn’t realise this at first and thought that he’d just stayed in the bath too long and gone a bit wrinkly.
I’m sure I’d go all wrinkly if I stayed in the bath for too long, so I always make sure to run off and pretend to be deaf whenever it looks like Helen is thinking it might soon be bath-time to not over-stay my welcome during bath-time visits.

I thought that maybe we could cure Jackson’s wrinkly shar pei bits with a foot-pump as he reminds me of a balloon which is becoming deflated.
Perhaps instead of growing up, he’s getting smaller, like my mid-day meal always seems to.
Perhaps when he was younger there was a sale on and he bought a larger coat than was necessary, hoping to grow into it. He ought to go and ask them for a refund if you ask me, it is hardly Stay-Pressed.
I suppose he’s lost the receipt though else would have done that ages ago.
Young ‘uns don’t always realise the wisdom of always keeping their receipts.
I’ve kept all my old-Bonio receipts of course. I even buy old Bonio receipts off ebay and at car-boot sales when Helen is not looking. They are all filed chronologically in two-hundred and thirty-seven box-files in the back of Helen’s attic.
Helen doesn’t actually realise that is why she sometimes complains about having far less space than she thought that she used to have.
I think I’m safe for the moment though, she is On The Phone.
Helen is On The Phone so much talking to everyone about Dogs that I can quite understand why it is colloquially known as The-Dog-And-Bone.
I’d like to be known to the world as The-Dog-And-Bonios..

I’d also personally like to thank Pat who popped round the other day and brought us all presents after reading about us on the website.

She brought me some Bonios for my Pension Plan!!!!

She also brought toys for Jackson and the others
Thank you very much indeed, Pat, that was very kind of you, I’m much obliged!